Sorry - I am new to the world of personal blogs. How do we find out who is a "member" of the blog? I keep checking to find out how many people have found the CR Blog, but I can't tell. On myspace and facebook it is easier because there is a number of how many people are hooked into your network and their pictures and profiles, etc. Or am I missing something? Can someone tell me how to look up who is on the blog? And how we contact them if they are on the blog?
The only way to know who is looking at this blog is by reading what people post. If we were to make it private, we would have a list of those invited to view our blog. I don't think there are enough people who know about it yet to make it private.
Joseph Abitz Christine Akehurst Adria Ali Alex Ali Staci Altergott Jacob Anderson Jessica Anderson Kate Anderson Stephanie Antisdel Seley Jennifer Aragon Chris Arambul Katie Archer Janelle Arends King Sarah Ashe James Atteridge Casey Avery Jeffrey Bailey Derek Bain Brady Baird Bonnie Barnett Marcella Bartausky Keith Barto Jared Bates Mark Bazylko Joseph Beck Ryan Beck Andrew Beckley Gehrett Billinger Nick Blessinger Ryan Blosser Melissa Boag Howell Adrieanna Boethin Micheal Bolt Sara Borge Brooke Bosckis Rush Casey Brazil Andrea Brevik Michael Brewer Shannon Britten Parsons Joshua Bronson Carissa Brown Hilary Brown Lyndsey Brown Jenna Burgoon Matthew Cabrera Robert Calixtro Jared Calver Melissa Cameron Lambert Stephanie Campbell Hisel Stefanie Campbell Rhodes Courtney Carlson Richardson Jonathon Carroll Nathan Cassidy Mike Chaffee Ryan Chase Scott Chase Ric Chciuk Yinlan Chen Dustin Chipchase Melanie Choules Dawn Christ Tina Christensen Betsy Christensen Ludovic Ciechanowski Nick Clark Charles Clayton Kevin Clemenson Andrea Clements Anthony Cole Michele Collings Unrau Kelly Cooper Hathaway Christina Copping Rossi Coyne-Erving Lindsay Curnow Jared Currie Charise Dalley Apken Kristina Davey Christopher Davis Jamie Davis Abitz Dayna Dawson Sarah Day Elizabeth De Vito Brooke Delone Robinson Jamie Denton Grovom Megan Dekraai Matthew Deschner Joe Dobriski Andrew Dorsett Kristina Douglas Pawel Drapala Kellee Dudley Aaron Dwinell Kailee Eaton Hight Megan Eddington Matthew Edmonds Ryan Edwards Julie Egger Krystal Ehresman Lucero Taryn Elfving Danielle Eller Horner Jennifer Ellis Aaron Elstad Jamie Erdman Robyn Erickson Tyler Erickson Katherine Eterno Garifalakis Amber Fauvelle Nathan Fendall Natalie Ferguson Pamela Fewell Sean Finlayson Kyle Flamm Tiffany Flanagan Iannielli Joshua Flurett Karie Fowler Solomon Casey Freshwater Jessica Fulks Eric Fullen David Fuller Jennifer Gager Jeffrey Gaither Cora Gass Michael Getman Brandon Glenz Robert Goochey Kristopher Goetsch Pamela Goetsch Tamara Goetsch Aime Grimme Andy Grovom Tyler Gunn Ryan Gutenberger Molly Hagerman Nolan Kristen Hahn Rekow Lynsey Haij Sica Jared Halgren Allison Hall Jane Hall Julie Hamel Martell Ariana Hammarlund Kaci Erika Harrison Adam Hart Jason Hathaway Eric Hebner Melissa Heim Nicole Henson Amanda Hermens Joshua Hess Ginger Hester Calixtro Megan Hill Schlegel Megan S Hill Amanda Hinton Roberts Joel Hisel Kristin Hitchcock Scott Hizer Sara Hockley Jamie Holguin Aron Howell Steffany Hoyt Nichole Humphrey Joseph Hunt (Pecka) Necole Hurse Matthew Huston Nak Im Robert Irvine Bertan Isbiliroglu Fujika Ishigaki Jeffrey Ives Justin Jackson Jay Jagelski Steven James Krista Janke Melissa Jelineo Jackson Anton Jensen Jason Joe Adam Johnson Jayme Johnson Bond Rochelle Johnson Stephanie Johnson Corin Johnston Fronsoe Travis Jones Nicole Kain Kunz Ryan Kandoll Steve Kang Krista Karn Alex Katz McCulley Michael Kay Jeanne Kellett Caroline Kenney Jerimy Killam Chris Kleczynski Beth Klinski Kellett Sherylkee Kludt Long Billy Knotts Lana Komm-Enge Person Katie Kramer Blechman Aaron Kryger Shawna Kuhlman Kevin Kunz Bob Larner Jordan Larner Meade Abigail Larson Jennifer Larson Jamie Leckron Thomas Scott LeFebvre Robert Lewis Christina Liable Hatch Dana'e Lindblad Doug Lindquist Andrew Loe Jonathan Lohn Sarah Loughney Stephanie Luck Fessenden Margaret Macy Delong Russell Maddy (Hurt) Melissa Madore Conway Katia Manessiotis Dawn Marquez Stacey Marshall Nurmi Bethany Martin Younger Michael Martin Kristen Martindale-Shaw Travis Matney Jeffrey Mattox Michele Maule Mark Mayer Heather McCaffrey James McCammon Holly McCann Jamie McClanahan Hayward Brennan McClure Leslie McCulley Jeremy McDonald Meredith McDonald Wurm Eric McEwan Krystal McGanney Shannon McLachlan Keener Micah McLean Amy McMackin Matthew Merrill Mandee Messenger Blaisdell Andrea Meyers Stortz Jared Mikkelson Heather Millar Kevin Millard Matthew Miller Shelia Miner Scott Moeller Pat Mongrain Danielle Moore McEwan Jason Moore Nathaniel Moore Timothy Moore Sarah Morgan Daren Moriarty Chris Morse Kristen Mose Julie Murdock Nye Sharon Nelson April Neudorfer MaryBeth New Crystal Nichols Jonathan Nielson Kellen Nold Zachary Null Leisa Nunn Kris O'Tey Chris Oehling Tyler Olsen Chad Orlich Christopher Osgood Rischa Palmore Carmody Jennifer Palmore Jason Park Amy Paterek Lindsey Pearson Peebles Andres Perez Nicole Peterson Tim Pfeifer Aaron Picadash Brett Pierce Tiffany Pierson Shirlee Poe Lybbert Jeremiah Porter David Potter Jamie Potter Paul Powers Carlie Price Brienne Ramer Wright Arjun Ratnathican Ryan Redmond Wendy Renton Peterson Emmanuel Reyes William Reynolds Kasey Rice Andrea Ricket Amy Rigney Platt Kerry Riley Gregory Roberts Kathleen Roberts Tammie Robinson Jasmine Rogers Abigail Rolling Heather Rone Dobriski Grant Roper Jarrod Royston Jamie Ryan Annett Kyle Sahim Mark Santschi Holly Sather Rachelle Scholz Box Tessa Schubert O'Malley Kacie Schweikhardt Aaron Scott Kari Sester Davis Corey Shaffer Robert Shirley Roscoe Shorey Ryan Silbernagel Ashley Siler Stimmel Clay Skare Cash Skondin Joshua Skucas Matthew Smedley Andrea Smith Bruguier Harry Smith Nick Solscheid Kevin Sonney Geeta Sood Shannon Spencer Kishpaugh Jamie Sprague Cody Steinmann Dara Stortz Lambert Christina Stouder Beck Eric Stover Raymond Stratford Stephanie Strom Kellie Strutz Nicole Suplemento Heiden Shane Suzuki Ryan Swan Jamie Swenson Schubert Erin Sylvester Cutter Adam Tapias Christopher Taylor Kristi Taylor Amberlynn Tendler Howard Mary Terhorst Wagner Paul Thomas Autumn Tofte Marisa Torres Hires David Trefts Darby Turnage Stefan Tyburski Kirk Tyner Justin Ullom Catherine Vakili Matt VanderZanden Matthew VanDuker Kristi VanNostran Alexi VanVranken Jeffrey Vest Kyle Walsh Justin Wardell Ronald Warren Erin Wehmeyer Susan Westbo Harris David Weston Jessica White Tara Whitney Lindsay Wikstrom Bradby Amber Williard Clark Justin Wilson Sean Wlodarczyk Devin Wong Lindsay Yakimchick Matthew Yang Matthew Young Timothy Younger Ryan Zimmerman Dustin Zinda Emily Zink Jayde Zumwalt
Sorry - I am new to the world of personal blogs. How do we find out who is a "member" of the blog? I keep checking to find out how many people have found the CR Blog, but I can't tell. On myspace and facebook it is easier because there is a number of how many people are hooked into your network and their pictures and profiles, etc. Or am I missing something? Can someone tell me how to look up who is on the blog? And how we contact them if they are on the blog?
The only way to know who is looking at this blog is by reading what people post. If we were to make it private, we would have a list of those invited to view our blog. I don't think there are enough people who know about it yet to make it private.
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